Faculty for the Future Grant: Eligibility Criteria
To be eligible to apply for this Fellowship applicants must meet the following criteria:
- are a female and are a citizen of a developing country or emerging economy*. You are not eligible to apply if you hold dual citizenship of which one is citizenship of a developed country. (N.B. If you have been awarded a Faculty for the Future grant and after the award you obtain citizenship of a developed country, the grant will be discontinued as of the date of such additional citizenship);
- are preparing for a PhD degree or post-doctoral research in the science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) disciplines. Awards in biological sciences are limited to interdisciplinary research between physical and biological sciences. The Faculty for the Future program does not fund Master level studies;
- are enrolled, admitted or have applied to a host university/research institute abroad (applications are no longer accepted where a candidate has not yet applied to a university). If you are applying for a sandwich course the final degree must be awarded by the Host University abroad (i.e., not from the home country university);
- hold an excellent academic record;
- have a proven track record of teaching experience or can demonstrate commitment to teaching;
- can demonstrate active PARTICIPATION in faculty life and outreach programs to encourage young women into the sciences;
- are willing to contribute to the socio-economic development of your home country and region by strengthening the faculties in your home university, pursuing relevant research, or using your specific expertise to address public policy matters.
If you do not meet the above criteria, please DO NOT apply for a grant, as your application will not be retained in the selection process.
*Faculty for the Future focuses on developing and emerging countries. Qualifying a country as advanced, developing or emerging, is a complex and often controversial topic. Faculty for the Future does not draw on one single source or list but constitutes its eligible country list from a number of sources which allows incorporation of development status with regard to science, gender and education for example. The most significant source drawn upon is the UN Human Development Index (HDI) including their Gender Development and Gender Empowerment Indexes as well as indicators of adult educational levels. Developing countries are defined as countries scoring medium or low in the UN HDI. Applications from emerging countries (i.e., countries scoring high in the HDI) may occasionally be awarded grants if the given country scores low in the UN Gender Inequality Index. The Faculty for the Future country list is reviewed every year and as levels of development fluctuate, a country may be on the list one year and not on the list the following year, and vice versa.
New Grant Application Process
Important: If you are a Faculty for the Future Fellow who is in transition from a PhD to Post-doctoral research, please make sure you go through the New Grant application channel, and not the Renewal Grant application channel.
How to apply:
Applications are only accepted through: CLICK  HERE TO APPLY
When to apply for the 2018-2019 Faculty for the Future new Fellowships:
The on-line system will be receiving NEW APPLICATIONS from September 11th, 2017.


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