Are you between 18 and 35 and eager to actively contribute to a historic global dialogue on climate action? GLF and the Youth in Landscapes Initiative are looking for young people from all over the world to join GLF Kyoto 2019.
Win a trip to Kyoto through the Youth in Landscapes Initiative.
Eager to be a speaker?
Apply to win an all-expenses paid trip to Kyoto. If you have at least two years experience being involved in climate action activities, including restoration, facilitating land-based investment, safeguarding rights, food and nutritional security — and a passion for sharing your story, this opportunity is for you.
Eager to take part as a member of the audience?
Apply to gain free entrance to the event. GLF is looking for outstanding students or young professionals who are committed to bringing positive change to the world.
Application deadline March 31, 2019.


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