Like most of the people within his vicinity whose condition and lifestyle resonated with his, they shared something in common-the desire to escape. They knew they hadn’t the resources to enforce the emancipation they had prayed for, the freedom they had longed for and the audacity to walk away from lack. To breakout like the lightening of the thunder from the sky into a place of micro comfort. They were not asking for much, all they needed was just their daily bread, a scanty shelter from the cats and dogs rainfall and an insufficient cloth for their nudity. Asking for more would be likened to a lunatic asking for a hug from a stranger, who he had previously given him a handshake. It will be considered as asking for a mile because you got an inch. They just wanted a little out of what was rightfully theirs. They knew they had the right to life, right to speech and right to basic amenities but they also knew that they may never enjoy the full dividends of their human rights in a society that paid lip service to her citizens. The content of the United Nations Charter on Human Rights was completely immaterial in the lives of these people because it was bound to remain a life time mirage that may never come to fruition. Based on this, it was realistic for them to just desire a little out of what was rightly theirs.     


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